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Hii guys this is TechWiki again with the new topic. I am feeling very glad to tell you that, now I am going to start a series of Ethical Hacking with the very new topics related to it.And the people those who are interested in  Ethical Hacking can visit my blog.

Today's topic is very much important, so lets start.........



First of all lets talk what is "STEGNOGRAPHY"? The art of hiding the specific text file or some sort of message with image,audio or video files is called"STEGNOGRAPHY".STEGNOGRAPHY is of three types combinig the files with image,with audio and with video.

  Now we should see that how we can do it with the image. Just follow the steps..............


 For hiding the short message with image,audio or video.....................


Step1:Choose the file with which you want to combine suppose that with image.jpg save it at the Desktop.

Step2:Open CMD go to Desktop by typing "cd desktop".

Setp3:Write "echo" give space then type the message you want to hide now give">" without space then type the file with extension that you want to combine with it in my case it is image.jpg then type ":" without space and then type the new file name in which we will save these things with .txt extension. Don't worry   this will not appear on the desktop.

Step4:Now to see the hidden message type "notepad" then type the file name i.e. image.jpg in my case, then type ":" and name of the file that we have saved with the .txt extension,and press enter.

Step5: The hidden file will appear. 

Now follow the steps for hiding a txt file with the image file.................

Step1: Change the file type into .rar file that we have to hide from .txt and save it on the desktop with the image.jpg file with which we are going to hide.


Step2:Open CMD and go to desktop.

Step3:Give the command "copy' then give space and type "/b" then give space and type the file name that we want to attach with the rar file in my case it is image.jpg then give space and type "+" again give space and type the file name that we want to attach that is .rar file suppose that stegno.rar and then give space and type the file name in which we will save these things with the same extension that we have with our main file i.e. .jpg suppose that new.jpg. 

Step4: Now we have  to see that hidden file so search for winrar in the taskbar and open it .Now change the location to the desktop. In windows 10 winrar is preinstalled but for  other os you have to download it .Now  select that file in the winrar in which we have saved it i.e. new.jpg in my case and click on view in the ribbon area or on the top of winrar.And click on it the hidden file will appear.



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