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Can a change of font make a different domain name in 2021?


Can a change of font make a different domain name in 2021

Hii guys this is TechWiki again with a new topic. Guys this topic is very much interesting, and this topic is for two persons. First those who want to make the carrier in DIGITAL MARKETING and second those who are interested in hacking and want to make their carrier in ETHICAL HACKING.

So, without any further delay let’s get started…

 First of all, I want to say “YES, that a change of font makes a different domain name.” This is true because this an attack in the world of hacking and is known as HOMOGRAPHY.


In this attack words used are different but they look as the real ones. Like “cpple.com” it seems to look like “apple.com” but it’s not. It’s a different domain that look like “apple”. And this is pretty cools don’t you think so.

In this I have given you the simple example but the hackers use this attack in a different way. They just purchase the domain name that look as the real sites and on the duplicate domain that they had bought, they copy the site just as the real one.

From these fake domain sites, they approach the people to purchase goods from them online. And from there they get their credentials and many bank details. With this all information’s they withdraw money from the victims account or they can also sell these credentials at the high rate on “DARK WEB.

And with this practice they can also empty your pockets so beware of it. This attack was a bug on the CHROME browser and it is fixed now but there are many browsers that are still infected from this vulnerability.

Now there are many online sites that give you the service of making the words that look as the real ones as stated earlier. And you can easily buy a domain on these fake names because they are the unique ones and no one has ever bought that name. So, it is easy to go with the fake names to steal money like the BLACK HATS.

And this is HOMOGRAPHY and I hope that I would have reached your expectations in making you understand.

Is Homography possible in 2021??

So, if you all are now confused that whether this attack is possible in 2021 or not. Then I must say that you all are wrong because there is no any attack that is not possible.

So, this attack is also possible. Even today also there are many browsers that are still infected from this bug. That’s why this is possible in 2021.Your Firefox browser is also infected from this bug.

And this is an easy attack to scam the people. With this way hackers gain many moneys from different resources, like selling data on dark web, by taking out money from the bank and emptying the credit cards, banks etc. These all things they just do with the help of your credentials that they gain from you by scamming you in the fake sites.

How to be save from this attack??

If told with a mindset of a hacker then we can’t be safe from any attack. Like wise if told then we cannot also be safe from this attack. But it is not impossible.

We can be safe but for that we can’t do anything. The initiative should be taken by the Cyber security firms they should solve this bug and update their browsers, to make us safe.

And from our side we can just be safe by not entering to the fake sites. We should be aware by clicking on the fake generated links by the hackers. We should always look where we are entering and what we are doing.

In any condition we should not put our bank details and our credentials to any of the random sites. Only put the credentials to the trusted and branded sites. Even if you have the fake credit cards, then also we should not put that details on the fake sites as they can leak that data and you could be in trouble if they reach to you.

So, guys this by this we can say that a change of  font can make a different in domain name. I hope so you all must have enjoyed this article and for your queries please comment me.






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