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Ethical Hacking|||What is Hacking??????|||And the 3 Types of hackers?????





First  of  all   lets talk what is Hacking?

Getting an unauthorized access  to anything  i.e. database, server, computer, network etc. This is called hacking. The literal and very common meaning  that we all know or think as the word hacking arises in our mind is stealing. This is a very special case that everybody thinks about this topic. But it is not completely true as it depends on  some necessary condition to be fulfilled  to make  this saying  completely true We will talk about this later on.

Now let us go on another term that is HACKER. Now the questions must  be arising that what do we mean by this , it means that the person that  who performs Hacking is called a HACKER. Now here also the literal meaning of HACKER is Thief , but this is not completely true. Like wise in hacking here are also some condition to be fulfilled to make this saying true.

Now lets  come on the further explanation of HACKERS and HACKING.

As in our listening these all words come we think that this is very cool but the mysterious fact is that it is very hard to perform hacking or to become a hacker, for those who don’t  know  the a, b, c, d of hacking.


Before performing any type of attacks in this we should always remember these  points ------

1.   First of all  we should try to gain much  information we can abou the victim.

2.    Second thing is to collect personal details of the target i.e.  e-mail id, phone no., phone model no., and of which company , where  he/she works in which department , their ISP ( Internet Service  Provider) , have wi-fi or not. And the most important thing about their bf, gf  and their best friend. Hope you all have understood.

3.   The third thing that how many social media account he/she owns .

4.    Does he/she knows about hacking or not.

5.    We should try to know more about its ISP. Because this will help us in telling which servers is being used, which type of protocols it uses etc, which are very beneficial  for a hacker .

6.      Now, we should plan our  attack  that is which type of attack it is and when to perform it. Scanning of open ports and . Fast Internet speed.

7.      Finally perform your attack and get success in your dreams .


Now after all these steps I want to say a very -very  important thing that before performing any type of attack we should secure ourselves and our systems ,from which we have to attack the victim .

I recommend you to use proxies  to hide your identity and also use operating system like tails and Kali linux.(A seperate post I have made on Kali linux just click here). To be fully anonymus use the famous TOR(THE ONOIN ROUTER) browser.

I recommend you to read my post on how to be anonymous . Always try to be anonymous in the world of Hacking ,it doesn’t matter whether you are a -white hat, a black hat or grey hat hacker. Being anonymous is the first step in hacking. The words mentioned in the paragraph in the bold is discussed later. (Note:- The topics or the post mentioned in this article is very much unique and is not a copy-paste content. The links are mentioned at the end of this article.)

Now we should move further that is different type of attacks--------

Ø   SS7 attack

Ø   CS7 attack

Ø   Man In The Middle Attack (MITM)

Ø   Blue Born attack

Ø   Juice Jacking

Ø   Pishing attack

Ø   Brute Force attack

Ø   Port Forwarding


Ø   Spamming   


There are many more methods or attacks used in Hacking.  If you want to know about  all the attacks then just surf on the internet or just comment in the comment section I will give that . Shortly I will write an article on above mentioned, and their I will explain about these terms. So don’t forget to regularly visit us.

As mentioned earlier that we will discuss about Types of HACKERS so lets just start


Ø   White Hat Hackers:- A white hat hacker is also called an Ethical Hacker. Ethics means rules. These type of hackers performs any type hacking by following the rules and regulations . An ethical is appointed by the government offices  if there is any type of cyber crime, hope you must be understanding the term cyber crime. These people can work for their benefit, for the government, for any organization or any big company, even some times they work to solve people’s problem. Now here I want to mention an ethical hacker name is Edward Snowden.

He is counted as the biggest ethical hacker or we can say a white hat hacker. Now I must describe about him so that you all can understand him properly. He was working for NSA(National Security Agency) in USA. While he was in his working days he met with a person who was also working  there .The new person told him about some secret projects of NSA which was unauthorized for Snowden. But he was very curious to know about that secrets. So he hacked the NSA’s  server in USA. And you will be shocked to hear that what he found their,  he founded the “KEYSCORE” which was an search interface that searches for everything that you want.


There was no boundation of good or bad, whatever you will you will be able to get the result. Further he came to know that UAS’ s government records the peoples online activity. Means that  the USA’s government was keeping an eye on what the people are searching, watching or doing on internet. Which was  illegal. Now as he was an ethical hacker he revealed everything to the public.


Now USA government was in danger so they passed an order to arrest Snowden, but they can’t as the people of USA supported him and boycotted the law an order. Like this he became the worlds’ biggest Ethical Hacker.

A film was made on his life story that is

“SNOWDEN” in 2016. This movie is in english  if possible then I will provide the movie link at the end.

Now I hope thar you all have understood the need and importance of as an Ethical Hacker.


Ø   Black Hat Hacker:- A black hat hacker is a person with no rules. He just perform these activities for his/her benefit. He doesn’t have to take any permission from anyone. He/she is a person with no ethics in the life. These type of persons are just opposite of Ethical hackers. Hope you all have understood the meaning of Black Hat Hacker. An example is Kevin Mitnick.


Ethical Hacking|||What is Hacking??????|||And the 3 Types of hackers?????

Ø   Grey Hat Hacker:-  These types of hacker works as both white hat or black hat, as the time demands. Sometimes they work as an ethical hacker and sometimes as the black hat. They can work for their benefits or for anyone else. An example is Kevin Mitnick, he was an black and a grey hat hacker. 


Ethical Hacking|||What is Hacking??????|||And the 3 Types of hackers?????


After knowing all these things we can say that hacking is not stealing and hacker is not a Thief.

Now for any type of hacker it is a very important and very basic thing to change any digital device into a hacking device. Means they can change any android device into a hacking device that is they can perform any attacks from the mobile phone, because it is impossible to computer and laptop everywhere. That is the reason why they take this step.

Now friends don't be cheap to share, comment and subscribe our blog we will be grateful to you all. Next post will be on different type of hacking devices and how to make any android device into hacking devices.

Links of the posts discussed in this article:-



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